The Ephesians Four Network of Churches & Ministers
Fivefold Ministers Colaboring Together To Fulfill The Endtimes Purposes & Plans of God!
The Revelation Produces The Revolution
“Behold, I will do something new!” — Isaiah 43:19
“New Revelation” has been released from Heaven!
The Fivefold Ministry Model is the “New Revelation” God has revealed and instituted in the Church Jesus is building!
A major part of the purposes and plans of God now revealed to the Church is a mandate that the Church begin to embrace and pursue the Ephesians Four Ministry Model delineated in the Fourth Chapter of the Ephesians Epistle. It is a ministry model in which all the Fivefold Ministry Offices are functioning, and flowing together in concerted effort to accomplish the purposes and plans of God—that is, the ongoing ministry of Jesus.
The foundational tenet of The Ephesians Four Network of Churches & Ministers is The Ephesians Four Ministry Model. The establishment of that Model in the Church Jesus is building—not merely in theory, but in practice—is our overarching purpose and goal to which we are inexorably committed.
The Source Text
Ephesians 4:4-16:
4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling;
5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
6 one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.
7 But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift.
8 Therefore it says,
9 (Now this expression, “He ascended,” what does it mean except that He also had descended into the lower parts of the earth?
10 He who descended is Himself also He who ascended far above all the heavens, so that He might fill all things.)
11 And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers,
12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ;
13 until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.
14 As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming;
15 but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ,
16 from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.
The Ephesians Four Ministry Model is:
- irrefutably and unequivocally the greatest “church growth” paradigm and principle ever known or revealed;
- the original “purpose-driven” paradigm that overshadows by a million light years all others;
- a ministry model in which all the Fivefold Ministry Offices are functioning and flowing together in concinnity (individual parts working together harmoniously in concerted effort as a whole) in and unto the local church to accomplish the true, unfathomable Purposes and Plans of God for His Eternal Bride through all the ages revealed in the Word of God — that is, the ongoing Ministry of Jesus on the Earth;
- the ministry model that Jesus, the eternal and exalted Head of the Church, enacted and activated as He was ascending back into Heaven from whence He had come to sit down at the right hand of God on His Throne of Sovereignty, having purchased and redeemed His Bride through the shedding of His own blood and sanctifying Her through the Church Age by the washing of the Water of the Spirit to become His Eternal Co-Sovereign Companion.
In sum —
The paradigm or model Christ as the Head of the Church has established and enacted — The Ephesians Four Ministry Model — is one in which He has anointed and appointed special surrogates; namely, persons operating in spiritual functions of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers — aka, Fivefold Ministry Offices — to “equip the saints for the work of the ministry” unto the end of “the building up of the body of Christ…to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fulness of Christ” Himself.
This is the purpose, the plan, the paradigm, that the “purpose-driven” Christ has revealed, established, and enacted for the accomplishment of the single purpose He explicitly stated was His primary and solitary purpose: “I will build My Church, against which the gates of Hell shall not prevail.”
This has been and remains to be The Alpha and Omega’s purpose through all eternity; namely, the glorification of the Bride of Christ! (Read more about us on the About Page.)

A New Day Has Dawned for the Church Jesus is Building!
We believe that sometime around the turn of the Millennium, the Head of the Church began calling the Church into a new dimension of the Spirit, and that the gateway into that new dimension of the Spirit is a “new” ministry model, a new paradigm for ministry in the Ekklesia Jesus is building. It is “new” in the natural realm, in that it is a new paradigm to many existing churches. Though, it certainly is not new in the Spirit Realm, or the Kingdom of God, since it is the ministry model that has always been delineated and prescribed in God’s Word.
Indeed, The Ephesians Four Ministry Model is the only model that will produce the results of the building up (edifying) and building (development) of the local church, both individually and corporately, that are delineated in the Ephesians Four text. How do we know that? Because it’s the only model that God says in His Word will generate those results.
The foundational premise of The Ephesians Four Ministry Model is the colaboring together of the Fivefold Ministry Offices (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers) in harmonious concerted effort to equip, edify, educate, train, and mentor, the saints (believers) for the work of ministry, which will result in the building up and building out of the Church Jesus is building, until it comes unto the status of “a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ” (Eph. 4:13); that is, ultimate spiritual maturity.
The primary objective of this Model is to establish the Kingdom of Christ in individual believers, resulting in the collective Church being established in the Kingdom of Christ, which will bring about the return of Christ to claim the Glorified Church as His Eternal Bride (Ac. 3:21). To achieve that objective, Fivefold Ministers must educate and immerse the Church in the Gospel of the Kingdom, contrasted to the gospel of churchianity that is concerned with filling church buildings with people rather than filling people with the Kingdom of God.
The Church that Jesus is building is not merely the private family business or cash-cow of some individual or group or family. The true Church Jesus is building is a Remnant Church that is a spiritual entitity comprised of true believers whose collective purpose is to enter into and operate according to the principles of the Kingdom of God in order to fulfill the purposes and plans of God on earth!
The Gospel of the Kingdom equips believers to replicate and surpass the supernatural works Jesus performed during His fleshly ministry, just as He prophesied would happen through genuine Born Again, Spirit-Baptized believers (Jn. 14:12; Ac. 1:8). Indeed, our belief is that The Gospel of the Kingdom will propel the Church into the double-portion Elisha Anointing in a similar way that Elisha received the mantle of Elijah as He was ascending into Heaven.
The typology of this Old Testament event foreshadows and corresponds to what occurred on the Day of Ascension on the Mount of Ascension when Jesus, as He was ascending into Heaven, passed on His anointing and mantle, so to speak, to Fivefold Ministers who He would choose, anoint, and appoint throughout the duration of the Church Age as His surrogates charged and empowered with special abilities to equip the saints for the work of service/ministry (Eph. 4:7-12).
Founder/Overseer Welcome Video
The Role of Fivefold Ministry
"Fivefold Ministry is the ongoing surrogate ministry of Christ Himself to the Church—His Betrothed. All legitimate ministry emanates from Jesus Himself and is an extension of His ministry. Unless it emulates His ministry, it’s not legitimate ministry."
"The essence and role of the Fivefold Ministry can only be understood in the context of the Church and Christ’s relationship with it. Above all else, the Church is 'the Lamb’s Wife' (Rev. 21:9)."
"The Lamb’s Wife is the recipient and beneficiary of all genuine ministry, for She is the object of Christ’s passion. The Bridegroom is wholly and eternally committed to His Betrothed. His statement, 'I will build My CHURCH,' is a vivid expression of His passion. Building His Church is the only building program to which He has ever been personally committed."
—Dr. Steven Lambert, ThD, DMin
from The Role of Fivefold Ministry
Who We Are
Our Leadership
Our network evolved out of another ministerial fellowship whose leadership asked Dr. Lambert to take over its leadership in 1998. The overseer of that fellowship subsequently passed away a short time later. Dr. Lambert renamed the organization, redefined its mission and goals, reorganized its operations, and over time, added additional elements to make the network more responsive to the real needs of functioning ministers as well as those aspiring to become ministers and leaders in the Church Jesus is building.

Founder: Dr. Steven Lambert
Apostolic Prophet
Dr. Steven Lambert, a devoted servant of God and a highly respected minister, graduated to glory and went home to be with the Lord, Jesus Christ, on November 19, 2024, concluding a remarkable ministry that spanned nearly five decades. Born in 1948 in Springfield, Ohio, Dr. Lambert was an ordained minister who had a profound impact on countless lives through his work in apostolic and prophetic ministry, teaching, writing, counseling, deliverance, church planting, evangelism, and revival. His ministry began in 1976 and touched individuals across the globe, reaching thousands through his teachings, experience involving the apostolic, prophetic, teaching, writing/editing/publishing, counseling, deliverance, church planting, evangelism, and revival. He was the author of a number of books and published articles read by many around the world. [Catalog, writing/editing info]
He was the founder/overseer of Ephesians Four Network of Churches & Ministers, produces and hosts The Real Truth Podcast & Radio Program, is the founder/owner/host of The Real Truth Radio Network, and is the founder/publisher of Spirit Life Magazine.
Read more about Dr. Lambert on the “About” Page on his ministry website.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does being a “Friend” of the network mean?
Many ministers, ministries, and churches around the world have asked how they can become a “friend” or affiliate of our network because they identify with our goals and purposes. So we created a registration program for that purpose. Registration is FREE! Learn more.
What types of credentials do you offer?
Christian Worker, Commission To Preach, Ministerial License, Ministerial Ordination. Learn more.
What are the requirements for ministerial credentials?
Be 21 years of age. Not a convicted felon or currently under investigation for or charged with any criminal activity. Be engaged in some form of systematic Bible Study. Been functioning in a ministry capacity for two or more years, conducting yourself and your ministry according to the highest standards of conduct in accordance with Scripture. Provide two non-related references vouching for your ministry capabilities and personal character and conduct. There are no educational requirements. Learn more.
What are the financial requirements for Members?
A one-time credentialing fee, plus a minimum monthly or annual membership fee that differs per type. Learn more.
What is your corporate structure?
Our network is organized as a Non-Profit Corporation Sole, a legal entity that is not a “creature of the state,” and therefore constitutionally protected from any and all government intrusion under the First Amendment.
Do you charter local churches? How does it work?
Yes! You apply for a charter providing basic information about your church and we send you a Certificate of Charter under the legal auspices of our network. You do not need to incorporate your church or register it with the IRS; this method is in lieu of incorporation and automatically establishes your church as a legal tax-exempt non-profit entity in the US. [This is not a representation of legal advice and should not be construed as such. Consult an attorney for legal advice.] Learn more.
Our Leadership
Our Beliefs
Training Program
Leadership Education
“Give and it shall be given to you!” (Lk. 6:38)
Plant Your Seed in Good Ground!
We are asking for your help with our worldwide outreach and labor toward the accomplishment of our mission and goals. There is a natural aspect to all that God does on the earth. He is not a counterfeiter, and thus does not rain down money from Heaven, but rather gives His people opportunity to receive an abundant material harvest according to the measure of the material seed they sow into God-appointed/anointed fields (ministries).
This ministry is good ground in which to plant your seed. Those who do always receive an abundant harvest!
You don’t have to be a member of our network to give to our network, but rather only someone who identifies with the work we do on behalf of Christ. If you would like to help with the operational financial needs of this global ministry, please click on the Yellow button on the right, which will take you directly to our PayPal® giving page. A PayPal® account is not required to use its payment gateway; you can also pay by E-check directly from your bank account instead of a bank card.

Ephesians Four Network of Churches & Ministers, Overseer and Successors—A Corporation Sole is a Non-Profit Corporation incorporated in the State of Oregon [Registry#: 1031620-95] [Federal EIN: 47-1313490], headquartered in the State of Florida. The corporation sole is the fiduciary and governing entity of Ephesians Four Network of Churches & Ministers, which is a tax-exempt church and association of churches organization established under 26 USC 508(c)(1)(a) . Your contributions are therefore tax-deductible, if that is important to you.
Thank you for your obedience and help!
Stay In Touch!

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