2012- Leap Year
By John Eckhardt
A leap year is a catch up year.
A leap year is a make up year.
A leap year is an uncommon year.
A leap year is a year of extra.
Quantum leap is an abrupt change, sudden increase or dramatic advance; a sudden highly significant advance.
(Deut.32:22; 2 Sam.6:16; Psa.18:29; Isa.35:6; Luke 1:41; Luke 6:23; Acts 3:8; Acts 14:10)
I believe this is my appointed time to leap forward in the name of Jesus.
It is my time to leap.
This is a new season of leaping for me.
I leap past all distractions in the name of Jesus.
I leap past any people the enemy has set in my way to impede my progress.
Let my steps turn into leaps.
I leap over every wall erected by the enemy.
I leap ahead of anyone or anything that has illegally jumped ahead of me in the name of Jesus.
I leap like a lion from Bashan like Dan.
I will leap over my enemies like David.
I receive strength to leap out of all sickness and disease.
I leap into my destiny and purpose in the name of Jesus.
With excitement I leap into my future.
I leap from lack to abundance.
I leap from failure to success.
Let every place in my life that is lame leap for joy.
I take a leap of faith and do the impossible.
Let my finances grow by leaps and bounds.
Let my finances leap to a level I have not seen before.
Let wealth and prosperity leap upon my life in the name of Jesus.
Let my wisdom increase by leaps and bounds.
Let my understanding increase by leaps and bounds.
Let my vision increase by leaps and bounds.
Let favor increase on my life by leaps and bounds.
Let my ministry grow by leaps and bounds.
Let my borders expand by leaps and bounds.
Let me leap and jump to the high places.
Let me catch up in any place I have fallen behind in the name of Jesus.
Let restoration come from anything stolen by the enemy from my life.
Let my revelation increase by leaps and bounds.
I will not be afraid to take a leap of faith at the word of the LORD.
I will leap upon the enemy and overwhelm him in the name of Jesus.
I will leap and rejoice at the goodness of the Lord.
The Lord has given me leaping for sadness, and joy for mourning.
I leap from a low place to a high place.
Let extra favor and blessing be added to my life in the name of Jesus.
Let this year be a year of uncommon favor and blessing in my life.
Let me receive uncommon miracles and breakthroughs in the name of Jesus.
Let me leap as a hart for joy.
I will leap into new places naturally and spiritually.
I will leap into new heights and levels.
I will leap above problems and setbacks in the name of Jesus.
I will leap over all the traps and snares of the wicked one.
I break all chains and weights from my feet that would prevent me from leaping.
I lay aside every weight and burden that would prevent me from leaping.
I lay aside all doubt and unbelief that would keep me from leaping.
I leap from my past into my future.
I will not be afraid to leap forward with boldness and confidence.
I will leap for my God is with me.
My God encourages me and causes me to leap forward.
Let the Kingdom advance in my city by leaps and bounds.
Let my timing and purpose be realigned this year in the name of Jesus.
The way is opened for me and I will leap into it.
I will join myself with other believers who are leaping forward.
Let the churches in my region leap forward.
Let our praise and worship leap to another level’
Let my prayer life leap forward.
Let our preaching and teaching leap to another level.
I will leap forward in my giving.
Let my creativity leap to another level.
Let my faith take a quantum leap.
Let my love take a quantum leap.
Let my family leap forward into destiny.
Let my prophetic level take a quantum leap.
Let deliverance and healing take a quantum leap in my city in the name of Jesus.
I will leap through fasting and prayer.
Let the blessings of the Lord overtake me and leap upon me in the name of Jesus.###
Source: http://www.johneckhardtministries.com/2012/01/2012-leap-year/
Apostle and Overseer of Crusaders Church Chicago with close to 4,000 in attendance weekly in several locations, John Eckhardt is gifted with a strong apostolic call and has ministered throughout the United States and overseas in more than 70 nations. He is an apostolic reformer called to perfect the saints by imparting biblical truths, including deliverance and spiritual warfare, and activating the gifts of the Spirit in order to raise up strong ministries in the body of Christ. His website is: http://www.johneckhardtministries.com
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