Article Archives
Fivefold Ministers Colaboring Together To Fulfill The Endtimes Purposes of God! CredentialsRegisterArticle Archives
12 Reasons “Covenant Agreements” Are Not of God
14 Biblical Reasons Women are Precluded from Governmental Authority in the Church
14 Common Traits of Toxic Church Leaders
2009 -- A Year of Changing Paradigms
2012 Is A Leap Year For Quantum Leaping Forward
24 Keys of the Kingdom
25 Reasons Abusive Church Leadership IS Disqualifying
A Brief Primer on the Contemplative Prayer Deception
A Desperate Cry For Revival In Charismatic Camelot
A Different Gospel Without Power
A Fatherless Nation
A Lesson From Abraham
A New Breed Of Preacher
A NOW Prophetic Word to Local Church Leaders
A Prophetic Prognosis
A Prophetic Word for 2020
A Statement and Appeal Regarding the Lakeland Outpouring
ALL Scripture is God-Breathed and MUST be Believed!
America Under Attack
Apostolic-Prophetic Restoration in the 21st Century (Pt-1)
Apostolic-Prophetic Restoration in the 21st Century (Pt-2)
Are You Gathering a Crowd or Building a Church?
Avoiding Strange Fire
Biblical Hate Speech
Bishops and Apostolic Succession
Cessationism Refuted
Church As We Know It Is Over
Confronting the Error of Hyper-Grace
Counting The Cost
Debunking the "Christians Can't Have Demons" Theory
Defining Genuine Biblical Preaching That Qualifies As Apostolic Proclamation
Deliverance -- The Children's Bread
Demigod Leaders
Different Kinds of Prophetic Utterance
Disarmament or Discernment?
Divinely Determined Ministry Scope
Don't Throw Away Your Confidence!
Extreme Prophetic?
False Unity and the Lakeland Revival Cult (Part 1)
False Unity and the Lakeland Revival Cult (Part 2)
False Unity and the Lakeland Revival Cult (Part 3)
Fiery Trials -- Why They Come!
Florida Fires and US Drought
Florida Wildfires and Lakeland Wildfire
Gifts Vs. Offices (Part 1)
Gifts Vs. Offices (Part 2)
God Is Declaring New Things
God's Perestroika!
God's Plan for the Global Economic Collapse of 2008
Guidelines for Receiving Personal Prophecy
How God's Theocracy Manifests on Earth
Idolatry of Trusting in Riches
Incursion of Mysticism Into the Pentecostal-Charismatic Stream
Is The Devil Really Defeated? Well, Yes and No!
Judgment Begins At God's House
Judgment Prophets
Kingdom Pioneers: You are NOT a failure!
Leading or Lording?
Let Us Pray
Mars Hill Church "Investigators" Claim Driscoll's Transgressions Not Disqualifying
Ministerial Pride
Modern-Day Sadducees
Nicolaitanism in the Modern Church
Our Most Critical Need
Peace On Earth?
Peculiarities of Present-Day Prophets
Polemic Prophetic Preaching
Poverty vs. Prosperity Gospel (Part 1)
Poverty vs. Prosperity Gospel (Part 2)
Prophetic Purpose
Prophets -- God's Change Agents
Reclaiming Fatherhood and Restoring Fathers (Part 1)
Reclaiming Fatherhood and Restoring Fathers (Part 2)
Rick Warren Pied-Piper to Rome
Running Out Ahead of God?
Supernatural Manifestations in Revival History
The Charismata Gifts of Tongues & Interpretation of Tongues
The Consequences of Covetousness
The Consequences of Spiritual Barrenness
The Curse Of Unauthorized Covenants
The Deceitfulness of Riches
The Demise of the Fivefold Ministry Offices
The Fallacy of Personal Pastors (Part 1)
The Fallacy of Personal Pastors (Part 2)
The Former Things Have Come to Pass
The Great Commission or Omission?
The Jesuit Agenda Behind False Ecumencism
The Life Story of Lester Sumrall
The Manifestation (Charismata) Gift of Prophecy
The Myth of Spiritual Covering (Part 1)
The Myth of Spiritual Covering (Part 2)
The One Trait Needed to Trust a Person
The Passing of the Passe' in 2009
The Perilous Path of Doctrinal Deviation
The Perilous Path of Doctrinal Deviation
The Picture of a Prophet
The Power and the Pain of True Prophetic Preaching
The Problem With Messianic Judaism
The Prophetic and Present Truth
The Purification of the Church
The Purview of Apostolic Authority
The Real Truth About Real Freedom
The Role of Fivefold Ministry
The Role of Fivefold Ministry (Part 2)
The Role of Fivefold Ministry (Part 3)
The Signs Of Spiritual Abuse
The Thin Line of Leadership (Part 1)
The Thin Line of Leadership (Part 2)
Tongues--The Initial Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Warning To The Super-Apostles
Weakness and Foolishness
When ‘Seeker Friendly’ Is a Good Thing

Deliverance Counseling Credentials
Ephesians Four Network of Deliverance Counselors offers credentials and fellowship for deliverance counselors. CLICK/TAP Button below to learn more.
Apostolic Warfare
Our Leadership
Our Beliefs
Training Program
Leadership Education
The Role of Fivefold Ministry
"Fivefold Ministry is the ongoing surrogate ministry of Christ Himself to the Church—His Betrothed. All legitimate ministry emanates from Jesus Himself and is an extension of His ministry. Unless it emulates His ministry, it’s not legitimate ministry."
"The essence and role of the Fivefold Ministry can only be understood in the context of the Church and Christ’s relationship with it. Above all else, the Church is 'the Lamb’s Wife' (Rev. 21:9)."
"The Lamb’s Wife is the recipient and beneficiary of all genuine ministry, for She is the object of Christ’s passion. The Bridegroom is wholly and eternally committed to His Betrothed. His statement, 'I will build My CHURCH,' is a vivid expression of His passion. Building His Church is the only building program to which He has ever been personally committed."
—Dr. Steven Lambert, ThD, DMin
from The Role of Fivefold Ministry
Frequently Asked Questions
What does being a “Friend” of the network mean?
Many ministers, ministries, and churches around the world have asked how they can become a “friend” or affiliate of our network because they identify with our goals and purposes. So we created a registration program for that purpose. Registration is FREE! Learn more.
What types of credentials do you offer?
Christian Worker, Commission To Preach, Ministerial License, Ministerial Ordination. Learn more.
What are the requirements for ministerial credentials?
Be 21 years of age. Not a convicted felon or currently under investigation for or charged with any criminal activity. Be engaged in some form of systematic Bible Study. Been functioning in a ministry capacity for two or more years, conducting yourself and your ministry according to the highest standards of conduct in accordance with Scripture. Provide two non-related references vouching for your ministry capabilities and personal character and conduct. There are no educational requirements. Learn more.
What are the financial requirements for Members?
A one-time credentialing fee, plus a minimum monthly or annual membership fee that differs per type. Learn more.
What is your corporate structure?
Our network is organized as a Non-Profit Corporation Sole, a legal entity that is not a “creature of the state,” and therefore constitutionally protected from any and all government intrusion under the First Amendment.
Do you charter local churches? How does it work?
Yes! You apply for a charter providing basic information about your church and we send you a Certificate of Charter under the legal auspices of our network. You do not need to incorporate your church or register it with the IRS; this method is in lieu of incorporation and automatically establishes your church as a legal tax-exempt non-profit entity in the US. [This is not a representation of legal advice and should not be construed as such. Consult an attorney for legal advice.] Learn more.
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