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2012 Is A Leap Year For Quantum Leaping Forward
A leap year is a catch up year. A leap year is a make up year. A leap year is an uncommon year. A leap year is a year of extra. Quantum leap is an abrupt change, sudden increase or dramatic advance; a sudden highly significant advance.
Different Kinds of Prophetic Utterance
There are different kinds of prophetic words for different situations. The prophetic word can deal with past, present, and future. The prophetic word is able to deal with all the issues that we face in life. God has many thoughts toward us, and if we were to speak them, they cannot be numbered (Psa. 40:5) God’s word is a lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our path (Psa.119:105)
The Role of Fivefold Ministry (Part 2)
Fivefold Ministry is a matter frequently alluded to from the pulpit within many Charismatic and other Neo-Pentecostal churches and circles. Notwithstanding, such allusions appear to be little more than oratorical rhetoric, for the most part, because few churches make an earnest attempt to incorporate Fivefold Ministry within their ministry and structure. Certainly, I have never yet seen it in full and proper operation anywhere. Rather, for the most part according to what I have heard and witnessed, Fivefold Ministry and its function remains to be a shadowy and little understood matter to the majority of ministers, not to mention lay believers, including even those claiming to be Charismatic. Oh, some say they believe there is such a thing as Fivefold Ministry, which is more than can be said for the vast majority of so called mainline and Evangelical denominational ministers. However, most Charismatic ministers have what could only be referred to as a cursory understanding of these Ascension Gifts of Christ and how the Bible prescribes they are to function and flow together, and very few of them have incorporated all of those ministry offices into their rightful place of function within the structure of their local church.
24 Keys of the Kingdom
For many years, I've received on a daily basis letters and emails from younger and developing ministers in foreign lands giving their lives to Jesus to be used as conduits of his power and...
God’s Perestroika!
The centerpiece of this post is a prophetic message I delivered in December, 1988. The date of the delivery of the message is significant because the message predicted major governmental debacle and...
Demigod Leaders
WARNING! God’s putting His prophetic finger on a major problem plaguing the Church Jesus is building! Celebrity cult-status leaders — who act like spiritual divas and present themselves as demigods, based in arrogance, ascendancy, supremacy, and narcissism that has convinced them they are better and above everyone else — are on the rise in the American Church. You’ve seen them…they’re so important that, like “gangsta” subculture “homies” or mob mafiosos, they must be accompanied by an entourage of sycophants and bodyguards wherever they go to enforce their inaccessibility—even to peers, staff, and collegues—and to reinforce their self-proclaimed status and public image. Unaccountable islands to themselves who can’t be bothered with the mere plebian masses. “Wandering stars, for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever,” Jude called their ilk.
The Role of Fivefold Ministry
"Fivefold Ministry is the ongoing surrogate ministry of Christ Himself to the Church—His Betrothed. All legitimate ministry emanates from Jesus Himself and is an extension of His ministry. Unless it emulates His ministry, it’s not legitimate ministry."
"The essence and role of the Fivefold Ministry can only be understood in the context of the Church and Christ’s relationship with it. Above all else, the Church is 'the Lamb’s Wife' (Rev. 21:9)."
"The Lamb’s Wife is the recipient and beneficiary of all genuine ministry, for She is the object of Christ’s passion. The Bridegroom is wholly and eternally committed to His Betrothed. His statement, 'I will build My CHURCH,' is a vivid expression of His passion. Building His Church is the only building program to which He has ever been personally committed."
—Dr. Steven Lambert, ThD, DMin
from The Role of Fivefold Ministry
“Give and it shall be given to you!” (Lk. 6:38)
Plant Your Seed in Good Ground!
We are asking for your help with our worldwide outreach and labor toward the accomplishment of our mission and goals. There is a natural aspect to all that God does on the earth. He is not a counterfeiter, and thus does not rain down money from Heaven, but rather gives His people opportunity to receive an abundant material harvest according to the measure of the material seed they sow into God-appointed/anointed fields (ministries).
This ministry is good ground in which to plant your seed. Those who do always receive an abundant harvest!
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Ephesians Four Network of Churches & Ministers, Overseer and Successors—A Corporation Sole is a Non-Profit Corporation incorporated in the State of Oregon [Registry#: 1031620-95] [Federal EIN: 47-1313490], headquartered in the State of Florida. The corporation sole is the fiduciary and governing entity of Ephesians Four Network of Churches & Ministers, which is a tax-exempt church and association of churches organization established under 26 USC 508(c)(1)(a) . Your contributions are therefore tax-deductible, if that is important to you.
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