Leading or Lording?

Multitudes of sincere and trusting believers are caught in the virtually invisible web of religious captivation in Charismatic and other Neo-Pentecostal churches, and don’t know it. They are unaware victims of spiritual abuse and exploitation under the heavy-hand of hyper-authoritarianism. That is to say, the leadership of the church-group of which they are a part is dominating, controlling, and manipulating their followers, and exploiting them for their own personal gain and private kingdom-building.

Prophets — God’s Change Agents

One of the tribes of Israel, the sons of Issachar, were “men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do” (1 Chrn. 12:32). Prophets are spiritual “sons of Issachar.” The spiritual inheritance of that tribe is alive within them. They have a special anointing for discerning the times and knowing when God is bringing forth new things, new paradigms, and bringing the Church into new dimensions of the Spirit. Because they are discerners of these things, they frequently “see” things before others do, including other leaders. Also because they see and discern things before others do, there is a pioneering aspect to the personality and gifting of prophets. They are also predictive, rather than reactive, vis-Ă -vis most other people. Most people believe it when they see it. Prophets believe it before other people see it, because they’ve already seen it and its outcome in the Spirit. Prophets are still “seers.” They perceive things in the Spirit realm others do not, at least not yet. They specialize in revealing the “secret counsel” of God in His timing.

Reclaiming Fatherhood and Restoring Fathers (Part 1)

History and sociological statistics tell us that wherever and whenever there is an absence of fatherhood there is an increase in sin and rebellion, along with the resultant crime and corruption sin and rebellion engender societally. The produce of a dearth of fatherhood, both in individual lives and collective society, is disobedience of all sorts and kinds, both to God’s authority and God’s delegated authority — human authority (Rom. 12). Indeed, fatherhood is the expression or manifestation on earth of God’s authority. God is a Father — the ultimate Father. He created the human race out of His need for fellowship with someone other than Himself.

A New Breed Of Preacher

God is raising up a new breed of preachers in our day. People are sick of modern-day soft preaching that does not move our consciences anymore then a worldly movie would. God is going to raise them up, they will not be bred in modern day seminaries or bible colleges. They will speak against the whole system that is raising anemic preachers and teachers. Their messages will be bold, strong, pointed; it will offend many but save many. Their preaching will bear witness to their calling. God will be in their messages and the fear of God will come with their message.