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Do not use this form for registration. Registration is free for any Christian ministry by completing and submitting the form on the Registration Page. Registration is different than membership. Membership is only for credentialed ministers. Go to the Credentials Page to apply for ministerial credentials.

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How To Add EFNC&M Shortcut To iPhone Home Screen

1. Launch Safari.
2. Go to
3. Tap the Share icon (the square with an arrow pointing out of it) at the bottom of the screen.
4. Scroll down to the list of actions and tap Add to Home Screen.

“Give and it shall be given to you!” (Lk. 6:38)

Plant Your Seed in Good Ground!

We are asking for your help with our worldwide outreach and labor toward the accomplishment of our mission and goals. There is a natural aspect to all that God does on the earth. He is not a counterfeiter, and thus does not rain down money from Heaven, but rather gives His people opportunity to receive an abundant material harvest according to the measure of the material seed they sow into God-appointed/anointed fields (ministries).

This ministry is good ground in which to plant your seed. Those who do always receive an abundant harvest!

You don’t have to be a member of our network to give to our network, but rather only someone who identifies with the work we do on behalf of Christ. If you would like to help with the operational financial needs of this global ministry, please click on the Yellow button on the right, which will take you directly to our PayPal® giving page. A PayPal® account is not required to use its payment gateway; you can also pay by E-check directly from your bank account instead of a bank card.

Ephesians Four Network of Churches & Ministers, Overseer and Successors—A Corporation Sole is a Non-Profit Corporation incorporated in the State of Oregon [Registry#: 1031620-95] [Federal EIN: 47-1313490], headquartered in the State of Florida. The corporation sole is the fiduciary and governing entity of Ephesians Four Network of Churches & Ministers, which is a tax-exempt church and association of churches organization established under 26 USC 508(c)(1)(a) . Your contributions are therefore tax-deductible, if that is important to you.

Thank you for your obedience and help!


Ephesians Four Network of Churches & Ministries ~

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How To Add EFNC&M Shortcut To iPhone Home Screen

1. Launch Safari.
2. Go to
3. Tap the Share icon (the square with an arrow pointing out of it) at the bottom of the screen.
4. Scroll down to the list of actions and tap Add to Home Screen.