Ministerial Credentials
Ephesians Four Network of Churches & Ministers is an international, non-denominational, multicultural, apostolic-prophetic alliance of Fivefold Ministers colaboring together to accomplish the end-times purposes and plans of God.
One of the distinctives for holding credentials with the EFN is that we believe in, recognize, and promote the function of all five of the Fivefold Ministry Offices — apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers (Eph. 4:11).
We are a non-hierarchical, non-authoritarian fellowship; i.e., we do not assume or exercise any sort of authority over our ministers or the churches/ministries they lead. Credentialed ministers maintain complete autonomy over their churches/ministries. We do expect ministers holding credentials with the EFN to conduct themselves and their ministry endeavors according to the highest standards of conduct in accordance with Scripture.
We do not require exclusivity for credentials, meaning you may hold simultaneous credentials with EFN as well as other fellowships/associations/denominations.
For US members, ministerial credentials at both the licensed and ordination level automatically grants you tax-exempt status with the IRS for income derived from ministerial duties and functions. However, this statement is not intend to be any form of legal advice, and we recommend you consult with a CPA, attorney, or other tax consultant for more specific legal/tax advice.
We offer the following types of general ministerial credentials:
Christian Worker- Plus $5/Month minimum offering
- Or, Minimum $50 annual Offering
- Annual Renewal Fee: $40
Commission to Preach- Plus $7/month minimum offering
- Or, $75 annual offering
- Annual Renewal Fee: $65
Ministerial License- Plus Minimum $10/Month Offering
- Or, Minimum $100 Annual Offering
- Annual Renewal Fee: $80
Ministerial Ordination- Plus Minimum $15/Month Offering
- Or, Minimum $140 Annual Offering
- Annual Renewal Fee: $100
Fivefold & Bishop Credentials
As stated elsewhere, one of the primary distinctives that distinguish us from other ministerial fellowships is that we believe in, recognize, and promote the function of all five of the Fivefold Ministry Offices — apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers (Eph. 4:11). In lieu of general ordination, we also ordain church leaders to the specific Fivefold Ministry Office (function) to which they have an affirmed calling and have been functioning in for at least three years, as attested to by at least two other ordained ministers.
Additionally, we also recognize the function or role of “Bishop” as an ecclesiastical organizational function/role, defined as an apostle who functions as an overseer/shepherd/elder/mentor serving other Fivefold Ministers in the role of a mentor/coach/trainer, and consecrate as bishops/overseers Fivefold Ministers who have an affirmed calling to the function of bishop/overseer and have been functioning in that role for at least five years, as attested to by at least two other bishops. (Note: We regard the role of bishop or overseer as strictly an administrative function in the natural realm that is merely recognized, as opposed to imparted, by men, viz-a-viz, an appointment or anointing of/by the Spirit or Christ as the Head of the Church, as it is regarded by some. We do not believe in so-called “apostolic succession,” nor that such a natural historical lineage, even if it could be conclusively proven, which severely strains credulity, would bear any spiritual efficacy whatsoever. Scripture teaches that it is the Fivefold Ministry Giftings [Eph. 4:11] that Christ “gave” as “[spiritual] gifts to men,” “When He ascended on High” [Eph. 4:8]. Nowhere in Scripture is the office of bishop recognized or delineated as a spiritual gifting imparted by Christ or the Holy Spirit. Rather, we see it simply as a term that is synonymous and interchangeable with “shepherd” and “elder,” Scripturally speaking [cf., Ac. 20:17-28; 1 Pet. 5:1,2; et al]. Whereas, the Fivefold Ministry Offices are functions Christ did impart unto certain men of His election for the spiritual construction and instruction of the Church He is building (Mat. 16:18). Please read this article for further explanation of our view regarding this matter.)
Fivefold Office
A-P-E-P-T- Plus $20/Month minimum offering
- Or, $200 Annual Offering
Bishop Consecration- Plus $25/Month minimum offering
- Or, $250 Annual Offering
Click here to download Fivefold Minister & Bishop credentials application
[See note in “Applying for Credentials” section regarding opening/downloading document.]
Important Note Regarding Payments: Online monthly payments via PayPal required for all monthly payment plans. Immediate issue of credentials requires initial payment be paid via PayPal. Initial payments by paper check mailed to our office will delay issue of credentials until after check has cleared our bank. For initial and monthly installment payments online via PayPal, use the buttons below, or go to: Please bookmark that landing page in your browser or this page for future use.
INITIAL Credentials Donation
AN/MO Member Donation
INITIAL Fivefold/Bishop Donation
AN/MO Fivefold/Bishop Donation
Applying For General Ministerial Credentials
If you would like to obtain one of these types of general ministerial credentials with the Ephesians Four Network, please either click on the button below to complete the online application, or click on the link below the button to download and complete the application in accordance with the instructions on the application.
Online Application (Easiest/Fastest Response) [Preferred]
Click here to open or download General Ministerial Credentials Application [English]
[Note: When the form opens, hover cursor over it, and click on “Open with DocHub” link at top to complete and send via EMAIL (fastest method), or click on download link at top to download, print, complete, and send by MAIL. Follow the instructions on the last page of the form to pay the fee online.]
[Nota: Cuando el formulario se abra, pase el cursor sobre él y haga clic en “Abrir con DocHub” enlace en la parte superior para completar y enviar a través de EMAIL (método más rápido), o haga clic en el enlace de descarga en la parte superior para descargar, imprimir, completar y enviar por correo. Siga las instrucciones en la última página del formulario para pagar la tarifa en línea.]
Establishing An Affiliated Chartered Church
Under the tax-exempt church status under which we are organized, we are authorized to charter affiliated churches, which:
- automatically share the same tax-exempt status as the “mother church”;
- do not require incorporating in any state as a non-profit corporation and thus are not “creatures of the state,” as are state-incorporated churches/ministries established under IRC 501(c)(3), that are therefore subject to all rules, regulations, and laws applicable to same;
- do not require application to the IRS for tax-exempt status under the provisions of IRC 501(c)(3);
- are exempt from filing any annual reports/forms to the IRS;
- do not require a board of directors for governance of the organization, as do state-incorporated 501(c)(3) organizations;
- are completely autonomous, under the direction of the appointed leadership and polity of the church;
- are totally exempt from politically-related restrictions to which 501(c)(3) organizations are subject;
- and are authorized to conduct all lawful business functions and operations as is any non-profit corporation, including soliciting and receiving donations, opening and maintaining bank/saving/merchant accounts, obtaining loans, acquiring and selling assets and real estate, etc.
If you are interested in chartering a local church under the auspices of the Ephesians Four Network, please go to the Registration Page, complete the registration form and be sure to click on the check-box that says, “I am interested in chartering an affiliated local church,” and submit the form. When we receive the form, we will contact you regarding the process for establishing an affiliated local church.
Our Leadership
Our Beliefs
Training Program
Leadership Education
The Role of Fivefold Ministry
"Fivefold Ministry is the ongoing surrogate ministry of Christ Himself to the Church—His Betrothed. All legitimate ministry emanates from Jesus Himself and is an extension of His ministry. Unless it emulates His ministry, it’s not legitimate ministry."
"The essence and role of the Fivefold Ministry can only be understood in the context of the Church and Christ’s relationship with it. Above all else, the Church is 'the Lamb’s Wife' (Rev. 21:9)."
"The Lamb’s Wife is the recipient and beneficiary of all genuine ministry, for She is the object of Christ’s passion. The Bridegroom is wholly and eternally committed to His Betrothed. His statement, 'I will build My CHURCH,' is a vivid expression of His passion. Building His Church is the only building program to which He has ever been personally committed."
—Dr. Steven Lambert, ThD, DMin
from The Role of Fivefold Ministry
Frequently Asked Questions
What does being a “Friend” of the network mean?
Many ministers, ministries, and churches around the world have asked how they can become a “friend” or affiliate of our network because they identify with our goals and purposes. So we created a registration program for that purpose. Registration is FREE! Learn more.
What types of credentials do you offer?
Christian Worker, Commission To Preach, Ministerial License, Ministerial Ordination. Learn more.
What are the requirements for ministerial credentials?
Be 21 years of age. Not a convicted felon or currently under investigation for or charged with any criminal activity. Be engaged in some form of systematic Bible Study. Been functioning in a ministry capacity for two or more years, conducting yourself and your ministry according to the highest standards of conduct in accordance with Scripture. Provide two non-related references vouching for your ministry capabilities and personal character and conduct. There are no educational requirements. Learn more.
What are the financial requirements for Members?
A one-time credentialing fee, plus a minimum monthly or annual membership fee that differs per type. Learn more.
What is your corporate structure?
Our network is organized as a Non-Profit Corporation Sole, a legal entity that is not a “creature of the state,” and therefore constitutionally protected from any and all government intrusion under the First Amendment.
Do you charter local churches? How does it work?
Yes! You apply for a charter providing basic information about your church and we send you a Certificate of Charter under the legal auspices of our network. You do not need to incorporate your church or register it with the IRS; this method is in lieu of incorporation and automatically establishes your church as a legal tax-exempt non-profit entity in the US. [This is not a representation of legal advice and should not be construed as such. Consult an attorney for legal advice.] Learn more.
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2. Go to
3. Tap the Share icon (the square with an arrow pointing out of it) at the bottom of the screen.
4. Scroll down to the list of actions and tap Add to Home Screen.